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  • Writer's pictureMansarovar Eye Hospital

5 common eye diseases requiring immediate treatment

The health of the eyes plays a significant role in maintaining your overall health greatly. Problems with eye vision, infections in the eyes, etc., can greatly hamper your quality of life, making it impossible for you to function properly. Hence, to get the best cure for all your eye problems, it is essential to get your treatment done by the best eye Dr in Lucknow. However, some eye complications are much more severe than others and hence require immediate consultation with a renowned eye specialist, or else the condition might deteriorate rapidly. Do you want to know what the various eye diseases are that require immediate treatment without negligence? Keep reading this blog to learn about eye diseases demanding rapid treatment from a professional eye doctor.

5 eye diseases that should be treated immediately

Here's a comprehensive list of the eye conditions that should be brought to the medical attention of a renowned eye doctor without delay:


It is undoubtedly the most common eye condition that requires immediate medical attention. Otherwise, it may lead to blindness. Cataracts involve degrading the shape of the eye cornea, resulting in blurry or cloudy vision that severely hampers one's quality of life, creating trouble in carrying out day-to-day activities properly. A patient suffering from cataracts develops super sensitivity to bright light and even faces trouble seeing objects at night.

Macular degeneration

It is a severe eye disease affecting mainly older people and should not be ignored at all. In this eye condition, the central vision of the eye is affected. It means that the central portion of the retina, which is responsible for allowing individuals to view intricate details, gets damaged. The most common symptoms of macular degeneration involve blurred central vision, curved appearance of straight lines, darkening of vision, etc.

Diabetes-related retinopathy

This is another major eye disease that demands immediate medical supervision from a proficient eye surgeon in Lucknow. Patients suffering from diabetes are always at a higher risk of developing this eye disease. The high blood sugar levels in the body result in damaging the retinal veins of the eyes, making the retina highly sensitive to light. A person suffering from this eye disease encounters symptoms such as poor quality of night vision, vision streaks, color blindness, etc. Untreated Diabetic Retinopathy can even lead to partial or complete blindness.


When speaking of eye diseases that require immediate consultation from an experienced eye doctor in Lucknow, one can simply not overlook Glaucoma. It is one of the leading causes of blindness. In this eye disease, the fluid pressure in the eyes increases rapidly, therefore damaging the optic nerves greatly. Since the optic nerve gets damaged, it becomes difficult for the brain to transmit visual images accurately. A common indication of glaucoma is eye pain, eye pressure, headache, redness, vomiting, nausea, etc.


If you are suffering from any of the above-mentioned eye diseases, do not hesitate to visit an efficient eye doctor for the best cure. You can readily reach out to Mansarovar Eye Hospital, the best Lucknow eye hospital providing top-notch medical facilities to get in touch with the best eye specialists.

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Embrace the Power of Vision with Lasik Surgery

Our eyes serve as the windows through which we perceive the world around us. However, as time goes by, our vision may encounter obstacles and imperfections. Conditions like near-sightedness (myopia), far-sightedness (hyperopia), and the distortion of vision known as astigmatism are among the common issues that can affect our eyes. Thanks to the latest advancements in refractive eye surgery and high-quality eye care, addressing these concerns has become remarkably straightforward. One such solution is LASIK surgery, short for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, which can effectively reshape the cornea, ultimately restoring and improving normal eyesight. Due to this, Lasik Surgery in Lucknow has become a popular choice for many individuals wanting to correct their eye imperfections.

Who Should Get Lasik Surgery?

Lasik Surgery indeed restores clear vision, and one does not need to use eyeglasses in most cases again. However, can everybody with myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism be a suitable candidate for Lasik Surgery? Below, we have listed a few factors that influence or prevent your chances of getting Lasik eye surgery.


The best eye doctor in Lucknow recommends that individuals must be a minimum of 18 years of age to get Lasik surgery. This is due to the fact that young children with myopia or hyperopia undergo frequent changes in their lens power.

Stable Prescription

A suitable candidate for Lasik surgery requires a stable eye power that has not changed for the last year. Even if you are someone over the age of 18 but have to frequently alter your glasses or lens, this factor can disqualify you from getting Lasik surgery.

Corneal Thickness

Ophthalmologists recommend that the corneal thickness should be above 470 microns to get a Lasik operation done. If the thickness is less than that, your doctor may suggest some alternative options.

Eye and Overall Health

Eye health is a prime factor that can make or break your chances of getting Lasik surgery. For instance, if you have glaucoma or conditions like extremely dry eyes or cataracts, it will prevent you from undergoing a refractive operation. In such cases, your pre-existing eye conditions will be treated first. Your overall health also needs to be in a good state for you to be a suitable candidate.

What Should You Know Before Getting a Lasik Surgery?

Before opting for LASIK surgery, there are essential considerations to bear in mind. Firstly, diligent post-operative care is crucial for a smooth recovery; neglecting your doctor's instructions can lengthen the healing process. Realistic expectations are necessary; while LASIK often leads to improved vision, achieving perfect clarity may not always be possible. Awareness of rare complications such as infections and corneal flap issues is also important.

Furthermore, it's vital to undergo a thorough preoperative evaluation to determine your suitability for LASIK. Carefully choose an experienced surgeon and consider the cost, insurance coverage, and potential long-term effects. Lifestyle adjustments may be necessary, and regular follow-up visits with the best eye surgeon in Lucknow are typically required to monitor your progress. You can find the best ophthalmologists in Lucknow at Mansarovar Eye Hospital, where Lasik surgery is performed with the utmost care and accuracy.


Now that you know there's a way to fix your vision with LASIK eye surgery, you're on the path to enjoying better eyesight. Take the next step by reaching out to an Ophthalmologist in Lucknow to discuss your options. Your journey to a clearer vision is just around the corner!


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